Dominoes are a family of tile-based games. Often referred to as gaming pieces, dominoes are rectangular tiles with two square ends that are marked with a number of spots. In order to win a game, you must match up as many of your pieces as possible. In dominoes, the more spots you have, the better your chance of winning.
The game originated in Europe and spread to the Americas. By the mid-18th century, the game was popularized in France. In 1771, the word domino was first recorded in a French dictionary. The word domino originally meant “long hooded cape worn by priests.” The pieces were carved from ivory or black ebony and resembled the cape of a priest.
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To win the game, players must place their tiles so that at least two of them touch. The same number can only be on one end of the chain, so the player may only play a tile with the matching number on one end. If a player has two tiles with the same number at both ends, he or she is said to have “stitched up” the ends of the chain.
The rules of dominoes are similar to those of card games. For example, the rules of 42 are similar to the game of spades. In this variation, there are four players divided into teams. Each player receives seven dominoes and plays them into tricks, each counting one trick as one point. Any domino that has a multiple of five dots counts as one point in the total hand.
There are many variations of domino games, but the most common is the double-six or double-nine game. Double-six dominoes have 28 tiles, while the double-nine domino game requires 55 tiles. A game with six players requires nine tiles. The winner’s score is equal to the remaining pip count in the losing player’s hand.
Western dominoes were first recorded in Italy in the 18th century. Italian missionaries in China may have brought them to Europe. During the 18th century, dominoes were introduced to England. Their popularity spread throughout Europe, and the game was adapted by Europeans. The game is now played worldwide, with players placing dominoes edge-to-edge against one another. The aim is to line up as many pieces as possible.
Different countries have their own versions of domino. In the original game, each domino represented one of 21 outcomes of two six-sided dice. In traditional sets, there is a different piece for every possible combination. In Chinese sets, dominos are divided into two classes, civil and military. The Chinese dominos are longer than their European counterparts.