How Dominoes Can Teach Organization, Leadership, and Teamwork


Dominoes are rectangular pieces of wood or other material, normally twice as long as they are wide. Each has a line in the middle to divide it visually into two squares, called ends. Each end of a domino bears an arrangement of dots, known as spots or pips, that are distinct from one another. Each side of a domino may also have a value, either zero (blank) or an integer number from one to six, which determines how much the piece moves and its rank in a game.

Most people are familiar with the popular children’s game of lining up dominoes and knocking them over one at a time. What is not as well known is that Domino’s can be used to teach a variety of lessons about organization, leadership, and teamwork.

The first lesson Domino’s teaches is that each domino has a unique impact on the larger chain. This is important for any task, but especially when it comes to a large project that requires significant time and resources. For example, if you decide to make an ambitious change in your business model, it is important that the first step be carefully thought out. This will allow the momentum from this task to carry over into future decisions and have a greater impact on your overall goal.

After establishing the domino effect, the next lesson is to prioritize your tasks. As with a domino chain, a good starting point is to pick the most impactful and difficult task of the day. This should receive your complete attention until it is completed, and it will serve as a foundation for the rest of your work. By completing the most difficult and challenging task of the day, you will build your momentum and make it easier to tackle other tasks.

This concept can be applied to any task, from writing a novel to working on a complex business plan. Every big task can be broken down into smaller, manageable chunks, each of which has an impact on the bigger picture. In this way, each task can be a good domino in its own right.

For instance, if you are trying to make a change in your business model, you can break down the process of creating this plan into several good dominoes such as defining your target audience, developing a marketing strategy, and setting up an online presence. Once these small dominoes have been completed, you can begin to lay the groundwork for a successful and profitable new future.

The final lesson is to be flexible and not get stuck in a routine. The more you stick to the same routine, the more likely you are to lose control of the situation. For example, if you continue to try and predict what will happen based on previous experience, you may become bored of the activity and stop enjoying it. A more exciting alternative is to use the principle of the domino to create a dynamic and unpredictable experience for yourself.