Currently, only four states, New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware, and Mississippi, have legalized online poker. However, the new administration of Vice President Joe Biden may change that. During his campaign visit to Las Vegas, Biden said he would reverse the White House’s stance on online gambling and would allow states to expand their online poker offerings.
Connecticut is another state whose legislature is in the process of drafting a bill to legalize online poker. The bill does not address shared liquidity, but lawmakers are likely to introduce amendments that would regulate such liquidity. A shared liquidity agreement would allow Connecticut to have a larger player pool than it could have on its own. This would improve the state’s chances of getting a regulated online poker platform up and running.
In order to make online poker work for Connecticut, operators could launch two online poker sites. One site would operate in Connecticut and the other in Nevada or New Jersey. Both sites would then combine Connecticut’s player pool with that of other states. This would create a shared liquidity network, which would allow for better traffic to the sites. If Connecticut can do this, the state could make a great market for online poker. But, as mentioned, this is unlikely to happen.
While the law is not yet final, the Department of Justice is reviewing the OLC’s recent opinion, which will limit online poker industry growth across states. This isn’t a problem for Connecticut, as its population of 3.5 million isn’t large enough to support a regulated online poker platform. However, the state would need to wait at least another year for a final ruling. That’s a long wait, so lawmakers may want to consider other options.
Connecticut could also look into entering multi-state agreements. This would allow the state to share liquidity with other states, which could resolve some of the traffic issues experienced by sites. The state has already entered an agreement with Nevada, which allows players to play online poker from New Jersey. The state also has an agreement with Delaware, which has its own online poker site.
There are a number of poker sites that accept deposits in various currencies, including US dollars and cryptocurrencies. However, it’s important to note that most online poker sites are not regulated by the United States government. This means players aren’t prosecuted for playing at offshore sites. Using a regulated US poker site is the best way to play online poker from the U.S. Regardless, players should look beyond their finances when determining which poker platform to use. They should also consider their opponents, as knowing who has the better hand can help players get ahead of the game.
The most important thing to know about online poker is that it’s a lot easier to play than you may think. With a bit of practice, anyone can play poker online. While there are various variations of poker, key fundamentals always remain the same. These fundamentals include starting hands, odds, and recognizing the number of opponents who fold.